Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 4 Task. My Daddys a Diver.

title - is engaging and interesting, which makes you want to read the story.
tell the story of an event - the writer has made the event clear and in bits it is boring but yet engaging and makes the reader more interested in what happens next.
have a closed setting - the setting is short and straight to the point, doesn't go on about things not relevant, has a closed time period and restricted settings.
use the pattern of the short story genre - orientation (first paragraph), complication (second paragrpah), Problem (4th paragraph), climax (7&8th paragraph), resolution (last two paragraphs).
have a restricted number of characters - has 2 characters.
use a balance of dialogue and narration in a purposeful way - uses both of them equally.
demonstrate a balance of showing and telling - does this throughout the story, tells you the story also it shows it through interesting words and phrases.
use characterization to help achieve the purpose - this is used throughout the short story very well, has a lot to help achieve the purpose of it.
use of features - it used imagery throughout the entire story, figurative language, and variations throughout each sentence/paragraph.
be resolved - this was resolved at the end.
written from more than one perspective - was written from both the father and the daughters perspective.
contain parallel plots - yes and no
incorporate the use of flash backs - this does not have flash backs, it just has slight memories and story telling.
2. The story connects exceptionally well with the reader, the emotions shown throughout the story are very sad but yet happy. the language shows the emotion and the memories and stories that the father shares shows emotion through the strong father character. this shows the daughter memories of her mother.
3. the attitudes are believed to be mostly strong and positive throughout this short story. They show each other love just from their words.
4. the journey of hope and love. Nor is it just a physical journey but this is also an inner journey for both the father and daughter.
5. the story is very effective as a whole and it shows inner journey and growth of both characters.